Monday, September 3, 2007

After introductions, we talked briefly about the syllabus and my expectations for you in the course. If you have any questions about how the course will work or what we will be doing, please ask them to me. If you are having problems with assignments or any other aspect of the course, please contact me.

We jumped right into creating a Web page. I had you work in pairs to log in and use Notepad to create a simple Web page. HTML is a mark-up language. Tags are inserted into the page to give some structure to the information in a page. Tags identify headings, paragraphs, and so on. Remember, a minimum Web page has three parts (elements):



Read Chapter 1 of HFHTML. Then create a Web page named about.html that contains the following (in order):

  1. A level-1 heading containing your name and any nickname you prefer to use.
  2. A level-2 heading Local contact information followed by a paragraph that lists your CPO box and any phone number(s) I can use to contact you.
  3. A level-2 heading General information followed by a paragraph that lists your year at Wofford (freshman, sophomore, etc.) and your major(s) and/or minor(s). If you don't yet have a major, use "undecided." Also list any college athletic teams of which you are a member. You can include any other information that you think I'd like to know.
  4. A level-2 heading Operating systems I have used followed by a paragraph that lists the operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc.) that you are familiar with. If you have your own computer, indicate which operating system it runs.
  5. A level-2 heading Level of comfort using Microsoft Windows followed by a paragraph that describes your familiarity with Windows. For example, are you comfortable with instructions such as, "Create a new folder on the C:\ drive," "Make sure the extension is .txt," "Right-click the icon and select Send to... from the pop-up menu," or "Navigate to the folder containing the file summer.html"? It is okay if only some (or even none) of these make sense to you.
  6. A level-2 heading Familiarity with creating Web pages followed by a paragraph describing any experience you have creating Web pages. “None!” is a perfectly acceptable answer. If you have worked on Web pages before, please describe the Web site(s) you created them for and what tools you used to create the Web pages.
  7. A level-2 heading Things I would like to learn in this course followed by a paragraph describing any topics you would like to see covered in this course.
  8. A level-2 heading Agreement followed by a paragraph containing the following:

    I have read the course syllabus. I have noted the due date of the final project and the date and time for the presentation to clients. I understand that my work on the project will be given to my clients and that they have my permission to use my recommendations and results as they see fit. I understand how I will be graded in this course, and I understand how the Wofford College Honor Code applies to my work in this course. I understand that if I have any problems with my work for this course, I should consult with Dr. Sykes.

Set the page's title to About your name.

I have created a sample page for you to mimic (although I'm not a student).

After you have created the page, load the file into Firefox, print the Web page, and then sign it "pledged" and date it. Turn it in at the start of class on Wednesday.

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